Welcome to Enigma Dreams, a Pokemon fansite, mostly dedicated to creating Living Dexes, and Gens IV and V. My name is OT, I hope you enjoy your stay! Please use the navigation bar to explore.
~ Updates ~ 
19/03/24 | Happy one year to Enigma Dreams! Thank you for visiting! |
16/03/24 | Lots of new links in the Library, and a journal about my new Pokemon Platinum playthrough! |
06/03/24 | New art in OT's Exhibition! |
23/02/24 | I added an Affiliate to the Mio Library! Please check them out! |
01/01/24 | Happy new year! I added a new Webring! |
31/12/23 | Added Cliques/Webrings, and tidied up a bit! |
12/09/23 | Updates to OT's Notes and Gen V journal |
21/05/23 | New Gen V journal entry and Living Dex update - the New Unova Living Dex is complete! |
01/05/23 | Titles in Gen IV and Gen V Journals to make reading a little easier! |
26/04/23 | New Gen IV journal entry |
16/04/23 | Many pages have been updated - including new Links, Official Exhibition Artwork, Gen V journal, New Unova Dex progress, a site to-do at the bottom of this page, and minor updates to text elsewhere. A hidden page has also been added. Can you find it? Have fun exploring! |
09/04/23 | More artwork in the Official Exhibition in Minamo Musuem. |
06/04/23 | New Journal entry |
02/04/23 | New Unova Living Dex progress updated. |
26/03/23 | New link, added more Pokemon and sprites to Hall of Fame, new Artwork in theOfficial Gallery and New Moon Island.
Added scroll bars to every page and adjusted some CSS. |
25/03/23 | Hall of Fame 'My Pokemon' update, OT's notes, new link. Other minor updates such as graphics improvements, added sprites, and CSS. |
23/03/23 | Living Dex and Gen IV Journal updates |
21/03/23 | Website uploaded to neocities! Welcome everyone! If you know me from the previous site, welcome back! It's a NEW MOON today, the perfect day to launch this site.
Completed the following: Hall of Fame, Flower Paradise, New Moon Island (darkrai shrine), Canalave Library (links), Minamo Musuem (art, and including my own new art), Dear Alina..., and the about. I also made a site button, and |
20/03/23 | Completed the following: Living Dex, How to make a Living Dex, and all Journals. I wrote a bit about this page in OT's Notes.
Created the following: About, Flower Paradise, Credits |
19/03/23 | Started rebuilding this site. Created the Index page. |
Pokewalker - OT's Adventures with Giratina
17/03/24 - Currently walking GIRATINA in HOENN FIELD. We've walked for 526 days and reached 5,032,883 steps!
~ Pokemon of the Day ~
19/03/24 - #491 DARKRAI / ダークライ - The Pitch-Black Pokemon!
17/03/24 - #308 MEDICHAM / チャーレム - The Meditate Pokemon!
06/03/24 - #654 BRAIZEN / テールナー - The Fox Pokemon!
23/02/24 - #830 ELDEGOSS / ワタシラガ - The Cotton Bloom Pokemon!
07/09/23 - #358 CHIMECO - The Wind Chime Pokemon!
05/05/23 - #495 SNIVY - The Grass Snake Pokemon!
14/04/23 - #722 ROWLET - The Grass Quill Pokemon!
13/04/23 - #353 SHUPPET - The Puppet Pokemon!
11/04/23 - #725 LITTEN - The Fire Cat Pokemon!
29/03/23 - #327 SPINDA - The Spot Panda Pokemon!
26/03/23 - #650 CHESPIN - The Spiny Nut Pokemon!
23/03/23 - #255 TORCHIC - The Chic Pokemon!
21/03/23 - #176 TOGETIC - The Happiness Pokemon!
20/03/23 - #239 ELEKID - The Electric baby Pokemon!
~ Webrings and Cliques ~
~ To-do ~
Last Updated: 19th March 2024 ~
Established: 3rd January 2022 ~
This is a fansite purely for entertainment. I am not affiliated with Pokemon, GAME FREAK, Creatures INC, or Nintendo.